If you are considering doing a clinic with Robbie, just register right now. I have learned so much. I’ve been riding for years, but I’ve never been a confident rider.
I feel like the past two days I learned more than I did when I went to college for equine science, he made it so much easier to understand.
My pony, Hopscotch, was very anxious on the cross ties; she would always move around and wiggle and turn the opposite way.
I wasn’t looking to learn how to make my horse side pass to open a gate, walk over a tarp, how to not spook or how to work cows. I was looking for holes in my heart to be filled – regain confidence, and enhance my relationship with horses that was wounded from personal defeats unrelated to these individual horses.
I have been riding in clinics with Robbie for about 5 years now. I was a fairly new rider when I began attending. Each and every clinic has taught me more about myself and my horse than I thought was possible.
By the end of this clinic, I was amazed I paid so little to attend. The amount of care, information, and personal attention I received was almost overwhelming.
I hosted a clinic at my barn and I was able to sit in and audit. I was just going to spend a few minutes, but as I started listening to what Robbie was teaching, I found myself unable to walk away.
Going into this past weekend, I had some reservations. I thought everyone would be way more experienced than I was and I wasn't sure what to expect from Robbie.
I attended the Spirit Ride clinic in Blowing Rock in August 2021. I was the one that advised Robbie straightaway he was dealing with a fearful rider.
When you drive to work on a Monday morning, reflecting on the weekend you just spent riding in a Robbie Potter Horsemanship clinic, and start crying tears of joy and ruining your makeup, it’s time to share your feelings about RPH.
So I attended the Intro to Cattle Clinic in order to desensitize my 5 yr old Tennessee Walking Trail Horse to cows. You see, I had come off of her in February 2021 on a trail ride when we encountered cows in a pasture next to the trail.
I am still in complete awe and soooo extremely happy. Diesel and I went to an RPH Intro Cow Working Clinic last weekend.
Through Robbie's clinics, his methods, and the encouragement he gives, my confidence is the best it's been in a long while.
Gallop, don’t trot to the next Robbie Potter Horsemanship Clinic! Robbie gives the best of individualized attention and has an uncanny talent for reading horse and rider.
I highly recommend attending one of Robbie clinics. He works with each participant on the skill level of the horse and rider.
Wow. I loved the way Robbie teaches. He has so much knowledge and was extremely patient with his instructions for those of us who take a minute to catch on.
We had such a great clinic with Robbie, he was so personable, he made you feel comfortable about asking questions and he had several ways of explaining things to you so you could understand what he was talking about.
In 30+ years of owning horses, this was my first clinic/lesson EVER. I brought my 3-year old that I had only ridden 10-15 times. I had a confidence problem going into the clinic.
Robbie Potter is the real deal! If you have a horse, you need to go see Robbie. He has a totally different way of training than anyone I have ever seen and it WORKS!
Wow! I was so impressed with Robbie and his approach .... individualized for each rider and horse .... his process is so simple but so meaningful and can be applied to any and all situations!
The horse of my dreams ended up in my barn through an odd set of coincidences. Immediately, I began transferring fears from past experiences onto this gem.
As an auditor at my first RPH clinic, I fully expected to be rendered invisible in some dusty corner and never speak a word to the clinician. Boy, was this clinic different!
With very few exceptions each Friday, for the past 9 years, Robbie Potter and I have met here at Hemlock Farm in Spruce Pine NC. Robbie has become more than a trainer of Horsemanship. He’s become a mentor, a coach, and a dear friend.
From the time I could walk, I had an innate drawing to horses. Throughout my life with horses, I have loved, cared for, owned and ridden, trained and competed and ultimately was guided to pursue a career in equine veterinary medicine. With horses, I have always had that “feel”.
I’m an adult rider with more than fifty years with horses. I haven’t done everything one can try with a horse, but I have done many things, from speed events, western competition, fox hunting, showing over fences and a little dressage, to driving both carriage and draft.
When my horse and I met Robbie Potter last summer we had not cantered in nearly two years. My horse Ziggy would occasionally buck when asked to canter. Over time it grew stronger and more frequent. One evening when we were riding I asked Ziggy to canter and he began bucking.
For years I have tried to find someone like Robbie. He is unlike the rest - kind, patient, knowledgable, and honest. I have participated in a few of his clinics, one being the colt starting clinic, which was the best experience I could have EVER asked for.
Colt starting. Colt starting? Colt starting clinic with Robbie Potter. I thought colt starting was either a contest like Robbie was in or where someone hired a trainer to keep your horse a couple of months to train to ride.
I have ridden with Robbie and hosted RPH clinics for 10+ years and cannot thank him enough for the knowledge that I have gained over the years from him.