Molly Sutton

“When my horse and I met Robbie Potter last summer we had not cantered in nearly two years. My horse Ziggy would occasionally buck when asked to canter. Over time it grew stronger and more frequent. One evening when we were riding I asked Ziggy to canter and he began bucking. I came off and collided with one of the gates in the ring on my way down. I badly hurt my back and had a severe concussion. It was the worst fall I have ever experienced. Thankfully, I was wearing my helmet. I threatened to sell Ziggy numerous times after that night for sheer lack of not knowing what to do and being scared to death to canter him again.

Over the years I relentlessly searched for a solution to our issue. I took him to several veterinarians and had him checked from his ears to his tail. We rode with many different trainers, but the bucking never ceased, it just got worse. One individual’s “solution” was handing me a crop and telling me to hit him as many times on the haunches as I could when he began to buck. I knew in my heart it was more than a behavioral issue and I refused to do that. On another occasion, we traveled to Kentucky and participated in a three-day clinic with a “well- known trainer”. Before the clinic began I told him a little bit about our background and what we were struggling with. He told me he didn’t care. We were so harshly criticized from that point on I was afraid to ask any questions at all. He never once offered any solution as to what was causing Ziggy to buck. Many other trainers have helped us along the way with countless other things. They each offered advice, but this problem stumped them all. I was very frustrated and was not sure we would ever be able to work through our problem.

I then found Robbie Potter through a mutual friend on Facebook. She had ridden with him multiple times and spoke very highly of him. I combed through his website and read all his reviews. After putting it off and making every excuse I could think of, I signed Ziggy and me up for Robbie’s Confidence Clinic. If this man couldn’t help us I didn’t know what we were going to do.

On the first day of the clinic, to my delight, we openly discussed what was holding each of us back and what we wished to work on. Though we were all battling different demons, and all at various points in our riding, Robbie met each of us where we were. He was very encouraging and his confidence in each of us, and our horses was palpable. This was a FAR different experience than we had been through with trainers before. When it was our turn Robbie took Ziggy into the round corral. He asked Ziggy to canter and he immediately began bucking. In less than thirty seconds of watching Ziggy, Robbie turned to me and not only told me what was causing the problem but how to fix it as well! His solution and approach made all the sense in the world! Just as I suspected, Ziggy was not being hateful in his bucking problem at all, he needed help finding his way! After working with Ziggy and explaining everything in thorough detail, Robbie helped Ziggy succeed in cantering both ways without bucking several times! Then, Robbie confidently climbed aboard. I cried with joy as I watched Robbie literally pet my horse into a beautiful, quiet canter! That afternoon, with Robbie’s confidence and guidance beside us, Ziggy and I successfully cantered several strides going both directions!

Since that time, Ziggy and I have had the pleasure of working with Robbie in both private lessons as well as clinics and each time we have built upon the last. Robbie is helping me become the partner Ziggy deserves! We have learned more in our few months working with Robbie than we have in our five years together previously. Ziggy and I have grown tremendously as a team, our confidence in each other has immensely improved, we have built on our trust and respect, and I can proudly say we are successfully cantering! For all these reasons and so many more, Ziggy and I will forever be indebted and grateful to Robbie Potter!”

-Molly Sutton


Kay Schwink


Jean Osborne