Karla Aldridge

When you drive to work on a Monday morning, reflecting on the weekend you just spent riding in a Robbie Potter Horsemanship clinic, and start crying tears of joy and ruining your makeup, it’s time to share your feelings about RPH. I have been fortunate to be able to participate in RPH clinics over the past two years and it has been life-changing for me personally and for my relationship with my pony Chuck.

Robbie Potter has an uncanny ability to read horses...and humans. I trust Robbie completely. I know without a doubt that Robbie will not put me into a position that I don’t have the tools to handle while pushing me out of my comfort zone and growing me as a horseperson. His confidence in me means the world to me, just like the tools that he teaches mean the world to my horse.

I bought Chuck as a four-year-old, thirteen years ago, with the idea that he would be my last horse. Fjords generally live long healthy lives. We’ve had many ups and downs (literally). He’s headstrong and strong as an ox, which can work for you or against you. My personal goal from the day I bought him was to be confident enough to ride through the woods alone, just me and my pony. I have never shared that goal out loud with anyone before now. I’ve never had the courage to do it because I’ve never had enough confidence in my skills as a rider, despite being in various lesson programs all my life. Just as important, I’ve never trusted Chuck enough. What Robbie teaches is true: trust and respect are key.

When we were coming back from our last trail ride of the weekend yesterday, Robbie said “Karla, when we get back to the arena don’t unsaddle, I’ve got something I want you and Chuck to do.” I was thinking he wanted to show me something in the arena that would help us on the trail. When we got back, he tasked me with riding Chuck out and into the river, just the two of us. Now that wasn’t miles away, but it required riding away from the group and out of everyone’s eyesight and into a river and back. AND WE DID!! Our first trip, just the two of us!!

If you are considering a RPH clinic and are hesitant because you’re shy, won’t know anyone, aren’t a good enough rider, have never been to a clinic, don’t ride Western, worried that your horse will act crazy, don’t have a fancy saddle or a snazzy trailer, or afraid you can't get your trailer into a tight parking spot, LET ALL THAT GO, PICK A CLINIC that interests you and COME ON!!! Let the clinic host know in advance if you're worried about anything and they will try to help you. You’ll find friendly helpful RPH people and I dare to say, you might just find the clinic life-changing in more ways than your relationship with your horse.

So today, while I’m working, my mind will wander from the task at hand and I’ll reflect on the weekend and shed more blissful tears. I’m kind of like a spigot with a leaky hose today and that’s okay because my eye makeup was ruined on the drive to work. I can’t describe the joy I’m feeling in my heart, but I can express that I owe it all to Robbie Potter and my RPH friends who keep encouraging me. Happy trails!


Kay Bridges


Missy Moore