Jody Young

First Testimonial:
Going into this past weekend, I had some reservations. I thought everyone would be way more experienced than I was and I wasn't sure what to expect from Robbie. The first day was a whirlwind. My horse wasn't responding as I was hoping and, other than learning a few new groundwork techniques, there was just something that wasn't clicking for us. The drills we did on Sunday were just what we needed. Robbie has completely reintroduced confident riding to me and I am a better rider for my time spent in the clinic. His methods are simple but effective and he is so nice, he made learning fun and I can't wait to go back.

Second Testimonial:

I attended the 4-day Immersion Clinic. We were the last to go on the last day of the clinic and I could not wait to get home to write this review. Our clinic had 6 ladies, aged 30s to 60s, from 4 different disciplines. It was eye-opening to see how Robbie's philosophy applied to each of our needs. This was my second clinic with Robbie and it was very apparent he is doing everything he can to improve his teaching. He seeks general feedback regularly and is open to questions. When there was a breakthrough moment for one of us, I saw him pull the person aside to ask her if she could identify what he said or did to make it possible. I was able to learn from the time spent with each horse, sometimes even more than what I learned from the time with my own. I left the clinic on the 3rd day feeling a bit defeated and worried that I might not be the best person to help my horse in the way she needed. My nerves were at a high level and I was seriously considering skipping day 4, going home, and start working to find her a new home. I'm so glad I stayed. I went last and we spent a long time just being together, me sitting on the mounting block with her lead in my hand. It's what she needed and is something I will continue to do at home. When I got in the saddle, we spent 15 or 20 minutes just walking in a circle while I rubbed her neck. Some of the instruction given then, and during other moments, were how to pet your horse in a way that means something to her. I don't know of many instructors that would spend time teaching you how to pet your horse. Many of the things he taught were followed by him telling us that this small thing means nothing to us as humans, but means the world to the horse. I am blown away by his knowledge and his obvious love for horses and his students. I don't know if I'll ever know all the things Robbie has forgotten in his life with horses, but I can testify that if you go into his clinic with the right attitude, you WILL learn something. Definitely worth the price and the work. Thank you, Robbie, and many thanks to Sandy for her encouragement and her help.


Julie Winchester


Kay Bridges