Missy Moore

So I attended the Intro to Cattle Clinic in order to desensitize my 5 yr old Tennessee Walking Trail Horse to cows. You see, I had come off of her in February 2021 on a trail ride when we encountered cows in a pasture next to the trail. By lunch the first day, I realized that this was going to be way more about changing me than changing my horse. What Robbie Potter said in that first half day on horsemanship changed how I saw myself and my horses - all for the better.

I grew up showing American Saddlebreds at pretty high levels. That young lady was fearless, but when my daughter came along all that changed. I gave up my show horses to be her momma and started trying to ride with my husband who loved to trail ride. Along the way I developed into a very anxious rider.

I couldn’t understand why I had “ lost my nerve” after all those years but after this clinic and his straightforward, clear, understandable coaching I regained that courage. I understood what my horse needed from me and how to form a relationship with her to tackle ANYTHING that came our way. Not just for that day in the arena but anywhere and any day in the future that we might ride.

I waited to write this until I had a chance to ride her on a trail ride after getting home …. to put her in the front and ask her to go fearlessly and freely where I pointed her nose. On Tuesday after the clinic we did just that. I asked her and she marched forward in the lead like she owned the place and was ready to tackle the world… and I was too!!

I got 100 times more value from this clinic than what I paid. The fee would have been worth every penny if my horse had simply been desensitized to cows. What Robbie Potter gave me was priceless - what I believe he gave me is 15-20 more safe and enjoyable years in the saddle out on the trails - God willing. All I can say is THANK YOU and I can’t wait to attend another Robbie Potter clinic!! I’ve never had so much fun on a horse!!!


Karla Aldridge


Billie Jo Bosley