Bobby Brewster

With very few exceptions each Friday, for the past 9 years, Robbie Potter and I have met here at Hemlock Farm in Spruce Pine NC. Robbie has become more than a trainer of Horsemanship. He’s become a mentor, a coach, and a dear friend. 

The platform for my training centers around our 7 Off the Track Thoroughbreds (OTTBs). One of them is BIF (Back in Florida) who has been with us since 2013. Always a stunning example of the breed, he and I never quite saw eye to eye. I couldn’t manage his exuberance and channel him in the manner I wanted; just not able to bring out the best in BIF.

Robbie took him to clinics, returning with accolades from participants and photos of BIF performing all the duties that were asked of him. You see, BIF’s work ethic was never in question, it was my relationship with him that was never in sync.

Then something happened- The experiences from the Friday lessons and work in between came together. I put Scoot Boots on BIF’s front feet and we headed off the farm .... into the mountains, over the logs, through the ditches and creeks. BIF became my “go-to” horse! Yes, my favorite all-around, the best of the best horse!

And then he did something for me that endears him forever in our hearts - he patiently carried our grandkids on their first horseback ride!

 “Prepare to position for the transition!”

Thanks, Robbie!🕺🏿🤠


Julie Phillips


Kaitie Patty