Robbie Potter
Educator in Horsemanship
Why Am I Here?
I’m not here to fix your horse. I’m not here to help you fix your horse. I’m not here to help you get a job done with your horse. I am here to help you change yourself and learn to become more effective at discerning what you should be asking of your horse. Only then can you begin to build a relationship that encourages him to start to trust your judgment. When this is in place the need for fixing doesn’t exist.
You will then start to realize:
Things like desensitizing and redirecting don’t work.
That running a horse in too many mindless circles is in fact a control strategy used which eliminates allowing the horse to have a choice.
That disengaging the hindquarters is a skill necessary to potentially save your life but one that teaches the horse nothing and when done too often takes away his dignity.
That bending and flexing 99% of the time takes away from straightness and balance.
That straightness and balance give back to the horse instead of taking away.
That straightness and balance mean the world to him.
That there is only black or white not right or wrong.
That gray creates confusion for the horse.
That the horse has no ego and neither should you when working with him.
That everything is connected and the same.
That you must trust your horse AND yourself.
That you must have faith that the horse will give you back 100 times more than you ever imagined when you earn the right for him to trust your judgment.